All - Thomas Waitz

Animal Transport: Toothless Legislative Reform

After many years of political pressure from civil society and the Greens in the European Parliament, the EU Commission finally presented a proposal for a new EU animal transport law […]
Naturschutzgebiet, sumpfiges Gebiet, das renaturiert wurde

Nature Restoration Law: Success Against …

The Nature Restoration Law is an opportunity and necessity to continue the fight against the climate crisis and the associated loss of...

New GMO law: uncertainty for consumers …

In July 2023, the Commission presented a proposal for a new regulation on new genomic techniques (NGT), which would mean an almost...

Angry farmers and right-wing demagogues

European farmers are angry, and rightly so. Between 2003 and 2016, five million European farmers had to close down their farms. Right-wing...

No to the Eu-Mercosur trade deal

In the following letter, EU parliamentarians jointly call for the EU-Mercosur agreement to be reopened in order to be able to regulate...

A European way out of the energy crisis

The energy crisis particularly affects the poorest people in Europe and is thus also a threat to social peace. It is now...

Standing firmly by Ukraine

For us Greens in the European Parliament one thing is clear: we continue to stand by Ukraine.