Transparency - Thomas Waitz - Glass Deputy 2021


Transparency is crucial for democratic decision-making processes, and we Greens want to take charge by setting the right example. That is why we publish all lobbying meetings with interest groups. You will also find the rail kilometres I travel, a breakdown of expenses of the monthly general expenditure allowance and my voting behaviour on this page. For more information about myself, please go to more about me.

Lobbying Transparency

The Greens/EFA group is committed to lobbying transparency and is the first political group in the European Parliament to publish information about every meeting held with lobbyists and interest representatives such as civil society organisations. This list allows all citizens to see whom Green MEPs are meeting, when they are meeting them and what they discuss with outside stakeholders.


Rail Kilometres

Parliamentary work as a Member of the European Parliament does not only require travel to Brussels and Strasbourg but also across Austria to visit local green groups and meet citizens. To keep the carbon footprint as small as possible, I make most of my journeys by train.

Since I took office on 10/11/2017, I have already travelled 127.385 km by train. As a result, 23.567 kg CO2 were emitted less than if I had travelled this distance by plane. An average grown beech would need about 1.886 years to reduce this amount of CO2.
(Calculation based on values of the german Federal Environment Agency)

General Expenditure Allowance

Europe often stands accused of providing an opportunity for elected MEPs to ride a ‘gravy train’. Such accusations tend to be based on misinformation or a hostile press and media pursuing an anti-European agenda. Every MEP office receives a monthly General Expenditure Allowance of 4416.00 euros, to cover expenditure relating to the exercise of the parliamentary mandate. The Greens/EFA Group has decided to take the lead and we, therefore, have been publishing our expenses since 2018. We provide a quarterly overview as well as a graphical chart of the costs on this site.


Q3 2024
Q4 2024

For the Graphs of the past legislation just click here.

Voting transparency

The European Parliament livestreams all plenary sessions and committee meetings. Furthermore, the voting results for each plenary session are published.